Supplements You Should Be Getting If You’re Getting ED

If you’re hesitant to try prescription medication to treat your erectile dysfunction, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to be nervous about prescription drugs, especially when you see the commercials and hear the long lists of possible side effects.

If you’re wondering about more natural treatments, here’s the basic info on some of the most common supplements and other treatments.

#1. Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng, also called Korean red ginseng, has been used for millennia as a health supplement. It has other, non-ED-related uses, but it’s also been shown to be helpful in clinical studies for ED. If you take it, it should be taken only on a short-term basis—not longer than two months. It can cause insomnia, so be careful of its interactions with other stimulants, like caffeine. As with all of these treatments, speak to your doctor before beginning.

#2. L-arginine

L-arginine is easier to get than many of these other supplements. That’s because it’s an amino acid that’s found in foods you probably already eat. These include red meat, dairy, fish, and poultry. L-arginine helps your body produce nitric oxide, which is essential for erections.

#3. Vitamin D

Another easy fix is vitamin D. If you don’t get enough vitamin D, as many men experiencing ED don’t, your blood vessels aren’t as healthy as they could be. That means that your blood doesn’t flow like it should, hindering your ability to have healthy erections.

#4. B vitamins, like B3 (Niacin) and Folic Acid.

Niacin, when taken daily, can improve erections. This is especially true if you have high cholesterol. (And if you do, you know you should be working on that.) It also serves a function in producing sexually-related hormones.

As with vitamin D, many men who have ED are low in folic acid. This B vitamin aids in nitric oxide production, so you can see why it’s a good idea to get the recommended daily amount.

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